
Now in his mid-forties, Christian is a long suffering, but eternally optimistic Washington Commanders fan from the UK.
Washington will win another Superbowl in his lifetime. Maybe not in 2020 or even in 2021, but, oh yes, they shall rise again.
UKHTTC Founder:
Passionate about the Washington Commanders
A young child was allowed to stay up in the mid-1980s to watch the NFL on Channel Four in the United Kingdom. Washington in their burgundy & gold uniforms were the standout team for a kid of 10.
And although recent (well, decades long) success has been hard to come by, once bitten by the bug there was no turning back. Christian had blogged for many years on Uncle Sam Sports in the UK and finally thought "lets have my own purely Skins website" to offer thought and opinion on the reborn Rivera era in D.C.
And here we are - UK HTTR born in Spring 2020